Whip it, whip it good. The fruit, the milk and the yogurt all together

Whip it, whip it good. The fruit, the milk and the yogurt all together

Whip it, whip it good. The fruit, the milk and the yogurt all together

Just as the Devo’s song sings: I say whip it, Whip it good. Don’t be afraid to whip it. And I mean your breakfast. The fruit, the milk and the yogurt all together. Whip it good. And then as Michael Jackson sings: Open up your mouth and eat it! Blueberry Whipped Yogurt Shopping List (serves 1) : 1 cup blueberries 2/3 cup soy milk (preferably organic) 1 tbs maple syrup 1 cup natural, whole milk yogurt Chia seeds (optional) Now follow these steps: Wash blueberries well and dry. Set 1/4 berries aside, and the rem... czytaj dalej...

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